Home Bitcoin Revolution Review

Bitcoin Revolution Review

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Bitcoin Revolution Review

Investing in cryptocurrency trading has been a dynamic trend in the last few years that has boomed the crypto industry. While many people fail and lose heart, some others find it quite lucrative and continue investing in Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrency market is full of uncertainties owing to the volatile nature of Bitcoin and other digital assets. For this, many automated trading software has been designed by crypto industry experts. The Bitcoin Revolution is such a trading platform for those traders who are keen to make some extra money from Bitcoin trading. We have made this Bitcoin Revolution review to answer all your queries related to Bitcoin trading.

Bitcoin Revolution Review- Overview
Bitcoin Revolution Review – Overview of Platform

What is Bitcoin Revolution?

Bitcoin Revolution is a highly profitable automated trading platform with a success rate of 88%. The platform is decorated with a well-programmed and Ai-backed trading robot. This robot finds out the best trading opportunity and executes it on behalf of the traders. This robot executes every trade with an accuracy rate of 99.4%. Many users of this platform claimed that you can earn $1000 profit per day by depositing just a minimum amount of $250. Also, we find positive reviews and testimonials on the official website and across the internet.

Key Features of Bitcoin Revolution

While making this Bitcoin Revolution review, we came across some of the key features of the automated trading platform. These key features are absolutely amazing and help the Bitcoin Revolution trading platform to stand apart from other contemporary trading platforms.

High Success Rate and Payouts

The win rate or the success rate of the Bitcoin Revolution, by whatever name it is called, is 88%, which is pretty high as compared to many other trading robots. While making this review on the Bitcoin Revolution trading system, we visited the official website of the platform. We found that the Bitcoin Revolution website claims to generate an average profit of $1300 per day. With such a high win rate, gaining such worldwide popularity is normal. But definitely for a newbie earning this much money at the very beginning is not possible.


The amazingly high win rate of the Bitcoin Revolution trading system is all because of the accurate analysis that the software can provide. With such precise market analysis, the platform can send perfect trade signals by analyzing the market trends, which in turn helps the traders to gauge when to place a trade and how to place it. This is all because of the accurate analysis by which the software can predict how and when the Bitcoin price will change much before they actually make a move.

Easy Registration

In order to start trading, traders need first to register themselves on the Bitcoin Revolution. Most of these trading platforms allow for free registration, and this is also true for the Bitcoin Revolution. The registration form is available on the official website of the Bitcoin Revolution. All that the traders need to do is fill-up the form with some personal details like full name, valid phone number, valid email address, etc. The registration process is very easy and does not require the people to be experts in handling this Bitcoin Revolution robot.

No Hidden Charges

Demo Account Feature

The demo account feature allowed on this software is very beneficial, especially for the new traders. Instead of staking their real money, the traders take the virtual money credited to the demo account. Therefore, the new traders get the opportunity to learn trading strategies and test and trial various trading strategy they want to implement in live trading. In fact, they can learn trade tactics without any fear of losing real money, which also improves their trade decisions.

Review Bitcoin Revolution - Live Trade
Bitcoin Revolution Review – Live Profit Results

The demo account feature exposes the traders to real trading with all the necessary trading tools, to help them learn trading skills how the actual Bitcoin and other crypto trading is done. This way, their inner fear, and inhibitions are reduced to a great extent. They begin to gain confidence, and hence the risks of taking wrong trade decisions when taking part in a live trade are much reduced. 

Based on sophisticated Algorithmic interpretations

The programming language that the Bitcoin Revolution claims is based on the sophisticated algorithm that allows the cryptocurrency trading robot to take a leap, which is 0.01 seconds ahead of the crypto market. This helps the software to stay ahead of the crypto trade competition, ultimately leading to earning huge profits. This is also the reason behind the high success rate of the software. The high success rate, in turn, mobilizes a greater number of users towards this cryptocurrency trading system. In fact, the software Bitcoin Revolution claims to know very well, in which direction the Bitcoin prices can move, much before it makes the actual move, which ultimately leads to earning more money than the traders could even expect to.

Easy Deposits and Withdrawals

With this trading software making a deposit or withdrawing money has never been a menace whatsoever. Whatever money the traders earn is entirely their money, and they can withdraw it anytime they wish, with the software charging no extra money for withdrawal. All the traders need to do is fill in a ‘withdrawal request’ form with all the details as to how much they intend to withdraw, which mode of payment they prefer etc. In case they prefer bank transfers, they need to give the full details of their bank accounts, which are absolutely safe at the Bitcoin Revolution.

The same thing applies to make a deposit also. A minimum deposit of 250 USD is required to start trading on the Bitcoin Revolution, after which the registered users can straightway start trading on the platform. Moreover, for making a deposit, the registered users can use any mode of payments as per their own discretion. They can use different payment methods like credit cards or debit cards, bank transfers, wire transfers, Neteller, Skrill, Master Card, Visa, etc. But they need to mention the details as to the credit card details or bank account details to facilitate easy and prompt processing.

Regulated Brokers

With the Bitcoin Revolution robots, the traders can be rest assured to trade amid a safe environment that lets them trade with the utmost peace in their minds. All the brokers that the platform partners with are regulated brokers, and therefore, there are no chances of fraud in the Bitcoin Revolution system. All the traders’ data, as well as their funds, are absolutely safe with the Bitcoin Revolution robot.

Users’ Testimonials

The Bitcoin Revolution claims to have provided maximum customer satisfaction to its users. While doing this review, apart from visiting the official website of the Bitcoin Revolution, we also found other legit sites, where we found testimonials from hundreds of people stating that many people have earned huge profits in a single day by making the minimum deposit to the Bitcoin Revolution account.

But for a newbie, it would be wrong to expect such huge profits at the very beginning, but once he gets used to the trade tactics, earning huge profits would not seem to be such a big thing for them. But for that, they need to practice trading regularly and maintain the integrity of online crypto trading. The demo account feature allowed on this Bitcoin trading software proves to be very beneficial for such beginners where they can trade without staking their real money, which is such a relief for new traders.

Amazing Customer Service

This trading software is backed by a robust customer support team consisting of professional experts specially trained to help the traders who face trading issues while working on this software. The customer service team can be approached at any time of the day and are available 24 x 7 to answer all the traders’ queries related to working with such a cryptocurrency trading robot. However, the customer support representatives will only answer any query that is related to online cryptocurrency trading via this robot. If the traders face any other issues like if they have any queries about the present crypto market conditions, they will be directed to their respective brokers with which they have funded their accounts. The broker will take over the query and provide them with all the necessary solutions that they require.

Bitcoin Revolution Review - Key Aspects

Bitcoin Revolution Review – Key Features

Uncover the Benefits The Bitcoin Revolution Trading App

This automated trading platform provides some of the amazing benefits to the people registered on its platform.

Makes use of the fluctuations in the Bitcoin prices

Unlike other trading platforms, that considers the fluctuations in the Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency prices to be a serious menace in crypto trading. The Bitcoin Revolution trading robot is designed in such a way that it can transform these price fluctuations into something that can earn huge profits to the traders using these price fluctuations as lucrative trade signals. Once the trade signals are triggered, the traders know that it is the right time to execute the trade. This way, the Bitcoin Revolution trading robot is different from other trading platforms of its kind.

Educational resources

While making this review on the Bitcoin Revolution app, we visited its official website several times, and what we noticed was overwhelming for the traders. The platform considers the traders’ safety and welfare over everything and therefore maintains updated information about the system’s working procedures and current market trends. These serve as digital educational resources for the traders. They will easily get to know how online cryptocurrency trading is done using these trading robots if they follow the website carefully.

Trade multiple cryptocurrencies

Multiple cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Ripple are available for trading at the Bitcoin Revolution. Once the traders select the pairs, they want to trade, and they just need to select 2 things, namely the number of concurrent trades and the amount of trade that they want to start with while placing each trade. This option to trade multiple cryptocurrencies is not available on most of the online crypto trading tools. This also increases the chance of winning more profits as the trade preferences of different traders are different, and so every trader has the chance of earning profits from his preferred crypto pair.

Can be connected through any browsers

The Bitcoin Revolution app does not need any separate download, and therefore one does not also need to install any antivirus software to protect the software. It makes it relatively easy for the users as one can get access to this software through any browsers installed on their computers and laptops. One can also operate this software from his mobile phones through the desktop browser itself as there is no separate mobile application designed for operating this trading tool. This may be a drawback for many as there is no supported mobile application, but it is also a positive thing that one does not also need to take the hassles of downloading the software that normally requires a lot of time and other antivirus software to protect it.


Everything stated on the official site of the Bitcoin Revolution trading tool is absolutely transparent, and therefore it seems trustworthy to the users. In fact, the Bitcoin Revolution trading software claims that there is nothing kept in secrecy as one can easily access to the deepest core of the software. While we were making this Bitcoin Revolution review, we took a tour to the entire site of the Bitcoin Revolution trading system, and we found that everything related to the Bitcoin trading, procedures of Bitcoin trading done on the Bitcoin Revolution trading system, products offered for trade, assets that one can trade on this trading tool, etc. were stated in a very simple and lucid language. Therefore, it does not seem to be a problem when one takes a visit to the website. He gets every information he needs along with the trading tutorial. Moreover, the Bitcoin Revolution software comes in a full package so that anyone, be it a beginner or a seasoned trader, can understand how to trade Bitcoin and earn a profit there from.

Every user is treated with equal importance

This is perhaps the best thing about the Bitcoin Revolution trading system. One does not feel that he is being left out on the platform. Every user is treated with equal priorities, and the priorities do not change on the basis of the deposit made by a user. One who invests the nominal amount of $250 in getting started on the Bitcoin Revolution is treated the same way as the one who invests $2500 on the first Bitcoin trading. The only difference that it makes is that investing more will increase the chances of earning more profits. But then there are also high risks in investing more. However, it is also true that more profits come with more risks, and unless one is ready to take risks in auto trading, be it for Bitcoin trading, he cannot earn more profits.

Safely encrypted

This is one of the most important things that the users look upon on the online trading tools like the Bitcoin Revolution and the others of its kind. If the trading tool does not seem safe and reliable, no one will be ready to invest funds in it. As per our Bitcoin Revolution review, we found out that the system safely encrypted, and the traders’ funds, as well as data, are absolutely safe with the Bitcoin Revolution trading system. Therefore, the users need not worry about the safety of their data when they need to share their bank account details or the card details while making the initial investments. They can share it without any fear as all their data on the Bitcoin Revolution are protected by the SSL certificates, which make it impossible for the hackers to break the codes and hack data or steal the traders’ funds from the Bitcoin Revolution trading system.

No previous experience required

One does not need any previous experience as such in operating the Bitcoin Revolution. In fact, the Bitcoin Revolution is designed in such a way that it can serve the trading needs of both the new traders as well as the experienced traders. The new traders can make use of the demo feature allowed on the Bitcoin Revolution software, to gain valuable insights on how online Bitcoin trading is done via trading robots. On the other hand, experienced traders can improve their Bitcoin trading practices by trying time tested strategies. Beginners, once they gain that confidence in Bitcoin trading, can instantly switch on to the live mode of Bitcoin trading.

Eliminates human error

While making this Bitcoin Revolution review, we found many interesting facts about these auto trading robots. Taking the right decisions at the crucial moments is very important while trading Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. The decisions that the traders take either make or breaks the profit earning opportunities. A single error can mar the whole effort in Bitcoin trading. But with these auto trading bots like the Bitcoin Revolution, the chances of earning profit are more than incurring a loss. This is because trading tools like the Bitcoin Revolution can predict the market trends and fluctuation in the Bitcoin prices before they actually happen, which mitigates the chances of incurring a loss to a great extent. Moreover, a trading robot can gauge the trading signals than a human brain cannot even fathom, thereby reducing the chances of making an error while trading Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

Constant monitoring not required

The best thing about trading robots is that one does not need to constantly monitor the Bitcoin trading when it is done via trading tools like the Bitcoin Revolution and its likes. The traders only need to set the criteria one time when he is starting the Bitcoin trading on this robot, and he is free the whole day. The trading robot will take over the rest of the things; it will scan the cryptocurrency markets, figure out the trade investment opportunities and place the trade on behalf of the traders while they can just sit and relax.

Review Bitcoin Revolution Benefits

Review Bitcoin Revolution Benefits

How is the Bitcoin Revolution different from other trading software of its kind?

When it comes to tipping the scale of the list of online trading tools, the Bitcoin Revolution software is placed amongst the topmost trading tools, and here are the reasons why.

  • The success rate of the Bitcoin Revolution ranges somewhere between 88% to 95%, which is pretty big. Most of the other contemporary trading tools cannot deliver such a high rate of success. This is the reason why the counts of the traders go on increasing by each passing day.
  • The Bitcoin Revolution platform offers its traders a demo account feature by which they can learn trading skills and various trade tactics and test which strategies will work best for them. They can use the virtual money that is credited to the demo account, on the Bitcoin Revolution, without risking their own money. Most other platforms do not have such a feature and direct their traders directly to live trading staking their real money.
  • The registration process at the Bitcoin Revolution platform does not require too much information. Just entering the full name, email address, and phone number are enough. It only needs information at the time of making a deposit. Most of the other platforms keep the platform safe for its traders, and need them to enter more details so that they can be tracked if any unforeseen circumstances arise. On the other hand, the Bitcoin Revolution software is encrypted by SSL certificates so that there are no chances of fraud and theft of users’ data and funds.
  • The mandatory deposit that needs to be made towards the account is $250, which is very nominal. Most other platforms need more initial deposit to get started with the trading robot. This is a serious drawback. Unless the traders are experienced enough in operating with such trading robots, he would never take the chance to deposit more money for placing trades. Therefore, such a low deposit makes the Bitcoin Revolution so popular.
  • The entire profits that the traders earn from trading on the Bitcoin Revolution is entirely theirs and can be withdrawn any time by the traders. This establishes how authentic and legit the robot rating platform is. But with other software, establishing the authenticity of the platform is very difficult as the internet is full of scam robots. With this software, we have proved many points in our Bitcoin Revolution review that go in favor of the statement that the platform is legit.
Review Bitcoin Revolution Defined
Review Bitcoin Revolution Defined

How Does the Bitcoin Revolution Software Work?

The Bitcoin Revolution software works on simple algorithmic interpretations, that scans the market trends and generates trade signals to alert the traders when and how to place a trade. But to avail this service on this robot rating platform, and to make a profit, the traders first need to go through some simple steps to register themselves on the Bitcoin Revolution software. The steps are discussed in detail below.


To review Bitcoin Revolution software, we found out that this is the very first step, and the traders first need to sign up with the Bitcoin Revolution software to make a profit therefrom. At the official website of the Revolution Bitcoin, there is a detailed registration form that needs to be filled in by the traders with some basic details like his full name, email address, valid phone number, etc. The name should appear in the form as it is in the valid documents of the traders, any mismatch in the spelling will not be considered afterward. The traders also need to create a strong password as their log in key, which he will require to log in to his account just created, and also to protect his account details. Most of the other trading tools like the Bitcoin Revolution need more details, but this software only requires some basic details like stated above. This is the reason why this software is preferred by most of the traders.

Demo Account

This demo account on the Revolution Bitcoin platform is a special feature that the platform allows only for its registered users. The demo account is virtually funded with the $1500 as the traders’ demo account balance that he can use Bitcoin Revolution for placing traders. The demo account has all the necessary tools that expose the traders to real trading environments but without risking their real money. Once the trader creates the demo account feature, on the Revolution Bitcoin system, he will be instantly taken to a quick tour of the trading platform and will be detailed about the functionalities of the trading platform. This way, the traders can easily test which strategies will work best for them to gain a profit. They can gain an easy insight into online Bitcoin trading before they actually start trading live. But the traders have all the liberty to click on the ‘auto trade’ button any time they wish to place trade automatically through the trading robot and earn a profit.

Funding the account

This is the third step to completing the formalities in order to get started and earn a profit. Making a deposit of 250 USD towards the Bitcoin Revolution account is mandatory. This is the minimum deposit that the traders need to make after they opt for the auto trade option. This deposit works as the working capital that is required in every trade and so also in the online Bitcoin trade.

However, the traders are free to make the deposit using any of their preferred modes of payments. They can use credit cards, debit cards, bank transfers, wire transfers, Master Card, Visa, Neteller, Skrill, etc. for payment methods. In case they are using a credit card, they need to mention their credit card details while making the deposit. Similarly, when opting for bank transfers, the traders need to mention their bank account details.

Set criteria and start trading

After funding the Bitcoin Revolution account with the minimum deposit, now the traders will be taken to the trading room where they would need to set the system according to their trade preferences as to how they want to trade Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Some of the features available in the trading room are discussed hereunder.

  • Control Panel– the control panel feature allows the traders to see the settings and progress of their portfolio and also gives them access to customize and manage the control panel of the Bitcoin Revolution software.
  • Trading History– this feature allows the traders to see the history of their transactions both that led to profit as well as those led to losses.
  • Open Transactions – this feature allows the traders to open the operations console in real-time. It helps to evaluate the performance of the trading robot for any specific moment.
  • Go live / demo – This feature allows the traders to switch mode from demo to live and accordingly operate.

Once all the settings have been done, now the traders can finally click on the “auto trade” mode and get started on the online trading journey.

Review Bitcoin Revolution - How it Works?
Review Bitcoin Revolution – How it Works?

Should I invest in the Bitcoin Revolution?

The amazing success rate of the Bitcoin Revolution legit platform cannot keep traders away for long. Traders who are keen to earn some more money while trading Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies try their hands out on this platform. To try out this software, the traders do not need to have any previous experience in online crypto trade or of handling such a trading robot. Even the newbies can try out this software at the utmost ease. Slowly and gradually, they would come to know about the working procedures of this software. Therefore, investing in the Bitcoin Revolution is entirely the traders’ discretion, but it is mandatory to make an initial deposit of $250 in order to get started. After that, whether the traders want to invest more or not is totally up to them.

How do you invest in the Bitcoin Revolution?

Investing in the Bitcoin Revolution trading system is very simple, and one can invest in it through various modes of payments allowed on the system. This makes it easier for the users as they can invest funds at their own discretion. The various modes allowed are card payments, bank transfers, wire transfers, Neteller, e-wallets, Skrill, MasterCard, Visa, etc. to name a few. But the traders need to select the modes first in which they want to invest from the drop-down list stated on the form while funding their accounts.

Do any celebrities endorse the Bitcoin Revolution?

No, while making this Bitcoin Revolution review, we did not find any evidence that proves that any celebrities endorse the Bitcoin Revolution. But there are many celebrities like Richard Branson and Jamie Oliver, who confirmed to have been holding cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin for personal purposes but have not endorsed the Bitcoin Revolution trading system.

Jamie Oliver is a renowned British Chef and a tv show presenter. There is much fake news that revolves around the internet about Jamie Oliver going to shut down his core chains of restaurants because he has already made massive profits from Bitcoin trading using the Bitcoin Revolution software, but this news is utterly fake. The same thing goes for Richard Branson also; many sites have rumored Richard Branson endorsing the Bitcoin Revolution, which is also not true. Richard Branson is a famous British philanthropist, investor, and author, and linking his name with the Bitcoin Revolution can make Bitcoin trading more popular, and hence the rumors were spread about the Bitcoin Revolution being spread by famous celebrities.

Wrap Up

Traders looking to make profits while using the Bitcoin Revolution platform can confidently use Bitcoin Revolution without the fear of their data being hacked. This automated trading platform helps the traders to cash on the rise and fall in the Bitcoin prices, which are otherwise considered as the risks associated with Bitcoin trading. Cashing in these negativities and directing them towards earning money is something that the traders count upon while executing a trade on the Bitcoin Revolution trading platform.


Does the Bitcoin Revolution have a mobile app?

No, the Bitcoin Revolution software does not offer a mobile app, and it runs through any web browser on smartphones. Therefore, it can be accessed from any smartphone that has an internet connection and without any mobile app installed in it. It does not require any downloads and can be accessed through the web browsers installed in mobiles at ease.

Is the Bitcoin Revolution legit?

Yes, absolutely. The question is, the Bitcoin Revolution legit is best explained through our Bitcoin Revolution reviews, where we found many parameters that prove that the Bitcoin Revolution software is legit and safe. Many users have also stated reviews about the platform, which implies that they are thoroughly satisfied with the services that the platform provides. Therefore, the Bitcoin Revolution scam reports are totally fake.

Has the Bitcoin Revolution ever featured on any tv show?

No, the Bitcoin Revolution has never been featured on any tv show as such. If there is any tv show advertising about the Bitcoin Revolution, featuring its products and services, those are utterly fake and have no resemblance to the original trading system. We also came across many fake sites and tv shows, while making this Bitcoin Revolution review, that advertise the Bitcoin Revolution to deviate the serious investors from choosing a legit software like the Bitcoin Revolution.