To give more power to the hands of prospective miners, the concept of cloud mining has come into prominence nowadays. It is a mechanism through which a particular currency can be mined. Still, instead of investing in hardware and software, prospective miners can utilize cloud mining services for mining digital currency.
As the name suggests, cloud mining uses the computing power on the cloud network for mining purposes. This means miners need not worry about arranging all facilities and then regularly putting money into their maintenance, energy cost, and other allied operations. By opening an account with the cloud mining agency, miners can easily access all the facilities required for mining cryptocurrency at a very nominal cost.

Usually, cloud miners are part of the large mining pool and acquire hash power to start mining the cryptocurrency. According to the proportion of the hash power acquired by miners, the profit from mining the cryptocurrency will be distributed among them. This means bigger hash power results in larger benefits, although the element of risk is also on the higher side as in case of no or little demand, the miner will suffer losses by paying more rent and earning less money.
Largely the mining services can be divided into two different formats:
Free cloud mining and paid cloud mining. Free cloud mining is advantageous for users unwilling to invest in paying upfront fees to the platform. However, the serving portal will share the profit with the miners as fees for allowing miners to use its services. The only thing is that no upfront money needs to be paid to the crypto mining firm.
The risk associated with free mining is the threat of scammers, as these free websites don’t enjoy reliable credentials when it comes to offering safety and security to customers. On the other hand, paid cloud mining is far safer than its free counterparts, although users have to pay hefty fees upfront to start using these platforms for crypto mining.
A few wonderful cloud mining platforms offer the best combination of mining services and that too cost-effectively – for instance, StormGain Mining. The all-in-one cloud mining platform allows users to open the account instantly and start mining the cryptocurrency in a period as short as 4 hours. Miners don’t require any costly equipment to start with, and thanks to its safe and risk-free nature, the platform is fast emerging as the preferred choice among miners. To take things up a notch, StormGain has launched a free Bitcoin cloud miner rewards program that allows you to passively earn Bitcoin. The more you trade, the more hash rate is added to your account, meaning you earn even more when you trade more – that’s a double win!
Using this app users start to receive 0.30 USDT per day every 4 hours with the ability to overclock the miner.
With a state-of-the-art crypto trading platform that offers leverage trading up to 300x on top cryptos, StormGain has the power to supercharge your crypto portfolio. Earn free Bitcoin by taking advantage of the Bitcoin cloud mining rewards program and top up your account balance while you sleep.
There’s no catch. No strings attached. What you mine you can withdraw into your trading account and use it to trade. Any profits are yours to keep – that’s the StormGain promise
Signing up with StormGain Mining is a very easy and convenient process, and once signed in, miners need to select the option of cloud miner to kickstart the mining process. The interface offered by StormGain Mining is very simple and easy to use, and thanks to its all-encompassing services, one need not look further for any other platform for earning rewards from their mining of digital coins.