Kelly Services Announces Partnership with online hiring platform Moonlighting; Enters Blockchain Industry

Kelly Services Announces Partnership Moonlighting

Leading tech companies have taken the decision of experimenting with blockchain technology, and within the past two years, the number is significantly growing. For instance, popular companies such as Facebook, Walmart, and others have shown a positive approach towards blockchain technology and consider using the technology to enhance its services, mainly supply chain. Now, another international staffing firm, Kelly Services has taken a crucial step. It has partnered with an online hiring platform Moonlighting.

The objective of the partnership is to offer Kelly services access to open talent communities by simplifying new blockchain-based Profile Management Solution of Moonlighting. The new Blockchain solution expected to be released later in this month.

The Blockchain Profile Management Solution will operate on a blockchain protocol โ€“the EOSIO protocol; this will enable jobseekers to develop secured work profiles and send them to wide marketplaces and other platforms. The EOSIO protocol does not use digital currency. This information was revealed by the founder and CEO of Moonlighting, Jeff Tennery through email to John Healy.

The office of the Future of Workโ€™s MD and Vice President, John Healy mentioned that Kelly had revealed a โ€˜strategic partnershipโ€™ with Kelly Services and Moonlightings, as per Forbes.

Healy said,

Healy said

On-demand hiring service of Moonlighting, allows individuals to make more money and recruit skilled professionals, instantly building a digital marketplace for small industry and freelancers to recruit or get recruited directly through mobile services.

The company mentions, with a blockchain-based platform, Moonlighting firm offers a complete solution with a set of tools to strengthen millions of employers and recruiters across the globe.

Forbes report mentions, Moonlighting already includes 750,000 plus users, currently using its platform. The hiring service of Moonlighting can be noticed across 150 plus new network sites, namely the Chicago Tribune, the Miami Herald, LA Times, USA Today and New York Daily News.

In todayโ€™s hiring world, freelancing and finding a job could be tough, for example, an individual might require uploading their professional skills, information and profiles across various platforms and websites in order to obtain employment exposure. This process could take a long time. Blockchain technology might soften the process and also add decentralized and security tools to the process.

Prior to this development, Moonlighting gained funds from investors, namely a Venture Capital Fund- FinLab EOS VC Fund- the firm is supported by FinLab AG and โ€“ the leading company in Blockchain industry and the EOSIO publisher.

COO at EOS Venture Capital, Paul Grotowski also responded to the development saying, weโ€™re happy to know the blockchain protocol EOSIO is working for something valuable such as assisting individual find job.

However, the financial information regarding the collaboration was not revealed.

Healy pointed out that individuals in the workplace are now looking for โ€˜mobile technology, the platform economy, and self-service, against traditional hiring processes and job requirements observed within past years.

Jeff Tennery informed Forbes with the gig economy, the greatest issue is its fragmentation, where individual needs to log in several times across different websites and app. Further added, Kelly and Moonlighting are actually partnering to solve this issue.