Dogecoin Losses 8.29% Value Over the Last 6 Days

Dogecoin Price Analysis

Dogecoin price evaluation presents the current bearish stance exhibited by the currency. From the beginning of the current month, DOGE price marked a 6.33% regression from $0.00233054 on the same day. The coin showed a fall of 8.82% soon after. On the next day, Dogecoin traded in a lower range with bearish movement. The present scenario reveals that the bears are dominating the coin even today.

Dogecoin Price Prediction:

It is seen that Dogecoin’s price is moving downwards by 4.40% as compared to yesterdayโ€™s trading price. It may continue to drop and get traded close to its immediate support of $0.002136 shortly.

This seems a good time to buy Dogecoin today as per the trend noticed. The currency has been witnessed to both the trends and the movement has been downwards since December 1, 2019. Short-term trading with DOGE is not advisable as it may trade in the lower range.

Dogecoin Price Prediction