OMC Group Introduces Omni Pets to Make Blockchain Easier for You

OMC Group, the blockchain arm of AIO Synergy, has offered a fun way to learn about blockchain through an enjoyable game that involves collecting tradeable digital...

Grin Community Proceeds to Integrate Mimblewimble and Nervos

Mimblewimble is a blockchain protocol that has been created to improve the fungibility and privacy of the blockchains. It was first published in July...

Citadel: A Non-Custodial Platform for Blockchain

In what could be considered an innovative approach for the IOST wallet portfolios, IOST Partner Node-Paradigm Fund has developed, a non-custodial Proof-of-Stake (PoS) platform for managing...

Availability of ioCash on Kaleido Spells Bright Future for Blockchain

The ConsenSys Company, Kaleido, had collaborated with Amazon Web Services to launch an enterprise blockchain marketplace. There is another development as Kaleido announces the addition of ioCash...

Everything you need to know about PowerDeFi-IOST

DeFi stormed into the world of cryptocurrencies in 2019 and unleashed raging flourish in the online financial sector. IOST is all set to join in the...

Elrond Improves Scalability of its Decentralized Applications with Band Protocol

The blockchain platform Elrond has extended its partnership with Band Protocol, a cross-chain data oracle platform, by integrating Band oracles with Elrond mainnet. With...

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